Living Missionally
Another podcast up and ready. Today's talk centered around the idea ofliving missionally. Doug Pagitt, Pastor of Solomon's Porch, joined Eric and I for the
conversation. Solomon's Porch is a Holistic, Missional, Christian
Community. On their website, Solomon's Porch has this written for a
description of "Missional:"
Our belief is that God intends Christianity be a way of life which sends us
into the world to serve God and our neighbors, so that God's will may be
done on earth as it is in heaven. The church is never to be the withdrawn or
isolated end user of the gospel of Jesus; rather, we receive it so that we
may be equipped and sent into the world to love our neighbors and serve "the
least of these." In this sense, Solomon's Porch doesn't have a mission; it
is mission.
Eric and I asked him to elaborate on this and the conversation took us many
places. Listen and feel free to comment.